Monday, March 16, 2015

Buy American Oil: How to Starve the Jihad War of Money - James Lewis

by James Lewis

The United States is fast becoming energy independent – no thanks to Obama and the Democrats.  We are now net exporters of oil and natural gas, all due to the miracle of new oil extraction methods.  It's a Texas success story, because Texas is where engineer George P. Mitchell modernized the technology of shale oil extraction.

What's more, you and I, as individuals, now have a clear shot at squeezing Gulf oil-dependent economies to the point of surrender.

Jihad war is paid for by OPEC oil regimes, including the Saudis and Iran, and by mandatory "charitable" contributions from fundamentalist Muslims.  In the case of the soi-disant Palestinians, jihad is paid for by our own tax dollars, through the kindly United Nations.  We are financing the jihad against us.

Gulf oil has been the biggest source of jihad blood money for forty years.  Our dollars go to the Gulf, to prop up war preachers in Iran and Arabia, with billions coming back to sabotage and corrupt our politicians and media, driving massive Muslim immigration, and of course giving the world a steady flow of throat cutting barbarians.

But – we are beginning to see the shape of an answer.

The biggest untold story today is that the Arabs and Iran are losing power over the lifeblood of the industrial world.

The United States is fast becoming energy independent – no thanks to Obama and the Democrats.  We are now net exporters of oil and natural gas, all due to the miracle of new oil extraction methods.  It's a Texas success story, because Texas is where engineer George P. Mitchell modernized the technology of shale oil extraction.

What's more, you and I, as individuals, now have a clear shot at squeezing Gulf oil-dependent economies to the point of surrender.

The answer is a grassroots Buy American Oil & Gas campaign, so that millions of consumers can keep their money from going to our primitive enemies in the Jihad War.  Just don't buy Gulf oil and gas.  It used to be impossible, but today it can be done.

Oil marketeers might tell you that oil is "fungible" – you can swap a tankerful of heavy crude in the Gulf for a equal tankerful in the Pacific, just by means of an electronic transaction.  Oil is oil.  There's no practical difference between American and Qatari crude.  

The answer is to change that, using existing technology.  Today we can easily mark oil by its origin.

The United States – and our few remaining allies – can "brand" our oil and natural gas, exactly the way ranchers brand their cattle – as a mark of ownership and origin.  If you order a U.S. Prime steak in a restaurant, you can bet that traders in the beef supply chain have ways of making sure they've got the right product.  If that steak doesn't taste right, they will lose their customers.  

Chemical engineers know dozens of ways to add tiny amounts of chemicals to oil and gasoline, including nanoparticles that are too small to harm your car.  The same kind of tech has been used for decades to give that distinctive odor to natural gas, to make sure people can smell a gas leak in their homes.

With a Republican majority in both houses, the U.S. Congress can pass a law today, making it a legal requirement that domestic oil and gas be doped with tiny amounts of a safe chemical tracer.

Americans and Canadians could then voluntarily choose to use our own oil and gas.  Right now, you do it for fresh milk.  Don't tell me it can't be done for fuel.

If Republicans passed a bill today, we could watch Obama try to justify a veto.  Nothing would show more clearly what kind of man we have today in the White House. 

It's a perfect campaign slogan: Who vetoed U.S. oil and gas independence? 

Or, in the presidential race, "Who kept the Jihad War fueled up?  Hillary!" 

If GOP candidates run a strong campaign to kill off the jihad money supply, they can beat the Democrats hollow in 2016.  Just think – wouldn't it be well-deserved?  The Democrats could use forty years dwelling in the desert, to reconsider their hate-America strategy.

Once oil companies see consumers rising up against Suicide Oil, they will stop selling it, if they can find alternative sources – in Montana and Canada.  Gulf oil could be sold to Egypt or Japan, but not here.  As long as we are energy independent, we don't care where that oil goes.  It will not be as profitable to the gulfies, because the price will stay low as long as more and more nations embark on shale exploitation.

Qatar may become a ghost town, which would be a kind of divine justice for their funding of ISIS mass killers.  Or they might simply choose to purge their war preachers.

Not a single U.S. soldier's life would have to be put at risk.

Gulf regimes would still own big oil fields, but the price would be controlled by the market.  Oil companies stay in business by predicting next year's sales, and if they see a vigorous consumer boycott of Gulf Suicide Oil, along with a big consumer campaign for Buy American Oil & Gas – they will make the right choice. 

When that happens, we can watch the Islamic war preachers turn their rage on each other. 

And because they are still trying to kill us, a reverse embargo is an historic opportunity for payback.

Result: We don't need jihad warmongers anymore.  Let them go back to the Dark Ages.  Simply starve their ability to make war on us.

James Lewis


Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.

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